Dear students, parents, colleagues, neighbor schools, local community,
We inform you that starting with 1st October 2009 and till 31st June 2011 will take place a Comenius 1 Project, School partnership, from the Lifelong Learning Programme. During the 2 years of the project will be realized a variety of activities where will be involved students and also the staff from the school. The project is entitled”What we are what we hope we will be”, it will be made into English in partnership with another 6 schools from European countries like: The coordinator institution: Hungary, and the Partners: Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Portugal, Norway, Italy. The activities have the main aims to develop students’ ability in using foreign languages, to communicate in a better way in a foreign language and also in their mother tongue and to make them aware of the importance of the internet and of computers. Teachers want to make students more aware of the advantages and disadvantages of their chosen career.
During the whole project time students and also teachers will be involved in activities like: creation of web-pages, brochures, article, maintaining the correspondence through messenger and email, creation of short films about their daily life and the way in which these things influence their future life, writing articles in our school newspapers, creation of questionnaires and diagrams on a given topic, creation of power point presentations according their own research on a given topic.
We will organize Project days, Field work, make Fashion Shows according to our own style, questionnaires based on music, sport, fashion etc. CDs with folk music, presentations, and project materials will be exchanged. Interviews will be taken with some invited persons who have the students’ future wanted jobs. Students will find themselves in front of some persons that in present have a certain job and they will have to ask questions. Students will be invited to see the place where those persons work to give them practice. We will organize Open Days for the project where parents and local community are invited and where they can see the students’ progress.
We will realize Comenius Corner for the project where we will exhibit all the realized materials. The main objective of this project is to find out how our daily routine influences our future professional life. We would like to make our students aware that what they are doing in the present it will have a great influence on their future life. We want to show them that family, studies, music, sports, friends, school, community and all their present activities will have a word to say in their future life.
In the following 2 years we will take part in 4 project meetings according to the next plan: Romania October 2009, the second Portugal May 2010, the third Norway October 2010, and the last one Italy 2011. The communication language will be English.
30 Eylül 2009 Çarşamba
22 Eylül 2009 Salı
Comenius Projemiz kabul edildi
Okulumuzun hazırlamış olduğu "WHAT WE ARE, WHAT WE HOPE WE WILL BE" başlıklı projemiz Ulusal Ajans tarafından kabul edildi.
Projemiz Macaristan koordinatörlüğünde Türkiye, İtalya,Portekiz, Norveç, Romanya ve Bulgaristan'dan katılan ortak okullarla beraber yürütülecektir.
Projemizdeki amaç öğrencilerimiz ve ailelerinin günlük hayatlarına ve gelecekten beklentilerine odaklanırken bunun gelecekte sahip olmak istedikleri kariyere ulaşma üzerine etkisini incelemek.
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